| Name: Vegeta (Its the real spelling and the name came from the word vegetables!) Race: Saiyan Origin: Planet Vegeta (destroyed) Title: *grin* Prince Of Saiyans (whoa!!) , Saiyan Elite Gender: Male (Duh! Your not blind!) Age: 29 years when you first see him, 30 years old in the Frieza saga, 33 years old in the Android saga, 42 years in the Buu saga, 52 at the end of DragonballZ. 62 At the start of DragonballGT Hair: The best hair cut in the whole universe!!! (Im not talking about the GT one, mind you. If you like the GT haircut no offense then. Its a cool haircut all around anyway. *Grin* ) Its Black under normal circumstances and when he goes Super Saiyan he gets blonde/golden hair!!! (It looks really cool) And when he goes SSJ 4his hair turns black again!!!(And it grows back into the hairstyle Vegeta had in DBZ considering that Vegeta kinda cut his hair in GT *Weep!!!*) Eyes: They Usually describe his eyes as onyx because it always changes color, (emotional ways, *what?*) Its aqua when he goes Super Saiyan and SSJ4 its aqua with his eyes red underlined. (It looks really cool. So those who havent seen Vegetas SSJ4s eyes (yeah sure, sure you havent seen them ^_^) trust me, they look cool cool!!! Favorite Food: Not sure...... maybe...... BARBECUE SAUCE ?!!!???! Looks: Unusually Attractive (Thats all Im gonna say! Dont get me started okay?!) Clothes: Usually the usual spandex but in DBZ we saw him wearing a pink shirt with badman on the back and yellow sweat pants (To say the truth the pink shirt suited him well but the sweat pants? Kinda creepy) In GT we see him wearing a little more human clothes usually leather and just somehow somehow he reminds me of a bikie. Family: Father-King Vegeta Mother: ??? (I dont think anyone knows maybe Vegeta will tell me in the interview! ^_~!) Siblings: ??? (I think Id have to ask that too) Wife: Bulma Son: Trunks Daughter: Bra To know more about his family go to the family section. Enemies: Um hello? Would Vegeta have any enemies? Duh! But who? I know that he and Juuhachigou (#18) dont get along but are they actually enemies? The only ones I can think of are Frieza, some of the Ginyu force and maybe even #17? (Im not really sure about that) Add on the usual bad guys the Z warriors had to face If your saying Goku should be in this part I'm not so sure Rival: Goku!!! (Urgh) Well they are kinda rivals and the way sometimes Goku taunts Vegeta is so sickening (what else am I meant to say?) But are they maybe really good friends deep down??? Deaths: (Expect lots of crying)In the mirai world he was killed by Android 17. (I have proof of that!!! I wouldnt believe it when I first heard that until I saw the History of Trunks You have to watch really carefully and you should see 17's jeans(Errhehheheh *puts one hand behind back and giggles nervously*) In the present world almost killed by Krillin on Planet Earth with using a sword and trying to kill him when poor Veggie was trying to defend himself only to be stopped by Goku (Oh my god!!! Goku had a moment of Mercy!)killed by Frieza on Planet Namek at the age of 30(That one was sooo sad!!! Had me bawling after!!! The episodes called the End of Vegeta) And in the Buu saga, he self destructed against Buu because nothing else worked against that monster and he showed that he cared by saying 'Goodbye Bulma, Trunks .......even you Kakarotto' (I havent seen it yet but I can tell you it'll be sad) Fighting Techniques: Gallik Gun,Final Flash,Big Bang (^_^!!) Fusion (well its not really a technique but.....) Masters: What the hell? Vegeta having a master?! Now thats funny.........hahahaha!!! Okay, in all seriousness Vegeta proberly didnt have a master(Im not sure about his father though) and he had taught himself everything he need to know!!! Voice Actors: Ryo Horikawa (Japan) ..... Brian Drummond (America till 1999) ..... Chris Sabat (America since 2000)