
| When arriving, the Earthlings made a horrible discovery. Vegeta's space pod landed right after theres' in a clearing kinda far away. It was then Vegeta realized that Frieza was here too, also for the dragonballs, also there for the same wish. He defeated Kuwi and went to one of the Namek villages, killed just about all of them, found their dragonball and dropped it into a nearby lake. Quote: 'Ill just put you here...' (He still doesnt know that the Earthlings where there.) He then found Dordoria and kicked his fat pink ass that the pink guy started pleading for mercy. He told Vegeta that if he told him something, that Vegeta won't kill him. 'Alright, Ill let you go.' Was Vegeta's answer, and Dordoria revealed to him that Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed in a meteor shower, but it was the work of Lord Frieza himself. Vegeta took in the newfound knowledge, but prepared to blast the pink arse. Dordoria told Vegeta that Vegeta lied, because he said that he would let him go. 'Ha, but I was only partly lying. I will let you go..to the next dimension.' And destroyed Dordoria. On the way for the next dragonball, he and Zarbon did battle...but Vegeta lost only because Zarbon turned into a hideous monster! Vegeta survived of course ^_^! And Zarbon ended up taking Vegeta to Friezas ship to heal on Frieza's orders. Vegeta healed of course, but no way was he gonna be a 'pet monkey.' He broke free after healing, killing the guy that healed him, outwitted Frieza and Zarbon by taking their 5 dragonballs and escaping by swimming in a nearby lake. (It just makes you wonder how smart this saiyan really is. So dont take the first thought of that saiyans are dumb when people say that Son Goku is a saiyan.) Zarbon gets really pissed and goes searching for Vegeta with the deadline of one hour, given to him by Frieza. In this time, Vegeta manages to hound his newly required 5 dragonballs into a little hideout when he senses Krillin, with awakened sleeping powers from the help of Guru and the last Dragonball. He chases after Krillin with Zarbon, who spotted him not far behind. Krillin lands near Bulma and soon after so does Vegeta. Krillin and Bulma make a big fuss about it, but all Vegeta wanted was the dragonball Krillin had. But Zarbon had to interfere, and Bulma spotted him and went crazy. (What I mean, got a crush. How interesting, her future obsession was right in front of her but her eyes were on the pretty blue boy) But Bulma's thoughts changed after he turned into the monster in trying to defeat Vegeta. No matter, Vegeta kicked his ass. He then takes the dragonball from Krillin and flies off. Vegeta then went to go get his dragonball in the lake which he got earlier, but halfway he met up with Gohan, but he didnt know Gohan had the last dragonball (the one he was gonna retrive. Geez.) He actually put his hand on Gohan's head, and his eyebrows went up! (Other words: he smiled. ARGH!) before kicking him in the stomach and flying off. (Heres something to take note of in this part. He called Bulma a gorgeous girl.) When Vegeta arrived at the Village Lake, he soon discovered that the kid (Gohan) had taken the dragonball. In a blast of fury, he shot up and raced to get Gohan. He went to the place where he last saw Krillin and Bulma and found out that they weren't there. He blew the whole place up to control his temper, telling himself, hell get the seventh dragonball soon. Returning to the place where he had his other 5 dragonballs, he put all 6 dragonballs together and sat on one and waited. He knew if he went to go find Gohan, then theres a chance that one of Frieza's goons could take them. SO he had no choice but to wait. (He is sooo smart!!!) Meanwhile at this time, Bulma has a dream about Vegeta (Heheh! He wanted the dragonball from her! Heheh!~) And Frieza dispatched the Ginyu force. When Krillin and Gohan went on their way to Guru, Vegeta got their power readings and took off after them with one of the dragonballs. (Too cunning man!) He chased them and when he arrived and mocked the Nail for a while, Gohan came out ready to challenge Vegeta. But this time, the Ginyu Force Arrived. Sensing this, Vegeta explained, that each of the 5 members were about as tough as him. Gohan and Krillin were surprised but understood. The 3 made an armistice before flying back to Bulma (together.) Getting the last dragonball, the 3 flew off to Vegeta's dragonball hideout to make their wish. (Since of the Ginyu force.) But when they arrived, it was too late already. They took Vegeta's 5 dragonballs right in front of his eyes. (No! Its not fair! He worked so hard for them!!!) But Gohan had one dragonball and Vegeta had another. Vegeta had no choice but to join forces with the 2 humans. Vegeta told Gohan to give the dragonball to him but Guldo ( short ugly eyes) stopped time and took the dragonball from him. Now the Ginyu force had to get their last dragonball from Vegeta. Vegeta made a smart remark before using all of his might to throw his dragonball away. But Burter (the blue one with a small head whose a speed ass) caught it. Captain Ginyu rounded all the dragonballs and told the other 4 that they could take care of Vegeta and the 'midgets'. He flew off with the dragonballs. After the Ginyu finished their business of deciding (rock scissors paper, rock scissors paper, *faint*) Guldo, the weakest member became first battler. It then came to terms that Vegeta and Guldo detested each other because Frieza was always favoring Vegeta, yadda yadda. But Guldo first did battle with the midgets and the two were going fine till they learnt that Guldo had a trick up his sleeve called 'Time Freeze.' They were stopped halfway up in the air and Guldo was about to finish them off with raising a tree log that had a sharpened point, Vegeta stepped in, by killing Ugly eyes with one attack. Because of this, Gohan and Krillin were saved. The two proceeded to thank Vegeta, but Vegeta told them that he killed Guldo for his own purposes. Recoome was up next after (rock scissors paper of course!!!) and he seemed and acted totally daft, but his poses are funny, but lame. AND somehow, SOMEHOW that orange creep managed to defeat Vegeta. (Grh, rah!!! I cant believe this!! *Tear hair out of brothers head.*) But then Goku arrived in his capsule corp. space ship. (Urgh. Its always Goku, Goku, Goku.) He came, defeated Recoome (but didn't kill him), gave Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin senzus and then went on to defeat Burter but didnt kill him as well. (I will not explain anything on Goku. Its pointless!) Then, Vegeta, unexpectedly finished Burter and Recoome off. (I mean killed.) Goku was mad, saying that he hoped Vegeta had changed and that kind of violence is ruthless *fall asleep.* Vegeta laughs at him and says that the Ginyu is ruthless and cold hearted and it was better to finish them off. Goku let Jeice (the red guy with while hair) get away though. Vegeta allowed that though...