| ...You love your vegetables except carrots ...You watch Vegeta kill Zarbon countless of times and think he did it so beautifully (Err-hum. He did.) ...You never forgive Frieza for what he did to Vegeta ...You use Veggie/Vegeta Gel and style your hair like Vegetas. ...You eat all your vegetables except for carrots ...The next thing you want for your birthday is a gravity room ...You go shopping for Spandex ...You get a Frieza punching bag, and for every punch you go And this ones for Vegeta! ...You wanna find Chris Sabats/Brian Drummonds address and then stalk him down ...You dye your hair blue so itll look like Bulmas ...Spandex is your style ...Black and dark blue is your colour ...Youve got a big ego ...You rip carrots to shreds ...You try not to always breathe air(Goku=air) ...You almost die trying ...You have a Vegeta pillow ...You strive really hard to find out what Vegetas zodiac sign is ...You know youll be ruler of the universe someday ...You try buying a gravity room from a company called Ccs (You know that chip company?) ...They throw you out saying what there is not such thing ...You can crackle evilly ...You try really hard to boost your power level by doing triple flips every day ...You land yourself a week in hospital with broken bones and ribs for trying ...You dont like Vegetas GT hairstyle (it doesnt matter if you do, its just that I cant stand it -_-) ...You employ people to find out where he lives ...His names in your e-mail address(Ohno!) ...You wanna change your cars number plate into VEGETA ...You go to a company who specializes this and asks them ...They tell you its already been taken ...You blast them all to hell ...Youve heard of Vegeta-ized before ...Now you finally believe in love at first sight ...You can make really good comeback lines(E.g. Either put up, or shut up!!!) ...You know the meaning of life Get stronger ...You went through this Y=You YT= Your teacher or whoever Youre daydreaming in class or detention YT=What the hell are you thinking about?! Y= Err? Vegetables he is so cute YT= And who is HE? (Glares at you) Y= Prince of a dead racethe STRONGEST guy in the universe has carrot like black haira great smirkerdied two timescame back alivehas a son with purple hair YT= You have gone totally crazy (Ignores you) ...You continue back into your daydreaming ...Boys around in the class stare at you shocked because they know who your talking about ...Your boyfriends short ...Your boyfriends laughs at you when you tell him your obsessed with Vegetables/Vegeta ...Hes not your boyfriend anymore ...You now believe you have a best friend whose called Vegeta ...You like the bad type of guys ...You have taste ...You know that carrots taste bad ...You phone up NASA and ask if they have any information about a planet called Vegeta ...When they tell you they have never heard about this planet before you pay them to find one. They take the money and you leave ...One month later you phone them up and ask if they have discovered a planet called Vegeta yet. They answer What? Planet Vegeta? Never heard of this. Do I even know you? Your so mad, you turn super saiyan ...You couldnt? Then you dye your hair blonde. ...Your e-mail has his name in it ...Pictures of Vegeta have placed you family pictures in your wallet ...You die of embarrassment telling others that the love of your life is a cartoon character!!!!!!!! -Veggie Rox ...You start trowing your C.D's around saying that they can kill you