
| When Raditz was killed by Piccolo and Goku some years later, his scouter transmitted the message what Piccolo said about the Earth's dragonballs to Vegeta and Nappa who were on some random planet. It was like all dark forest thing and Vegeta and Nappa were sitting on some log over a fireplace with which had a stick and some wild animal on it. Nappa is unable to like the idea of wasting their time going to some earth planet and getting one wish from a dragon... until Vegeta brings up the idea of wishing for immortality. On the way to Earth, they stop at some planet... where Vegeta and Nappa end up destroying it. (Heh, it was interesting.) When they finally arrived on earth, the people called them aliens since they were the first to find them but Nappa... killed them all by clearing the area, only to get Vegeta mad because he told Nappa that one of the dragonballs could be in the area. Halfway through the battle against the Z warriors, and Nappa has done all the fighting, Piccolo realizes that the smaller saiyan (Vegeta) is even stronger because of his control over Nappa. (I reckon that part was cool, because it made Vegeta sound strong.) They all die against Nappa (he reminds me so much of a crybaby) except for Gohan and Krillin who were saved when Goku appeared from King Kais training. He effortlessly and quickly defeated Nappa (Vegeta killed him because he thought Nappa wasnt worthy enough to be his partner no more)and now it was time to do battle with Vegeta, the Prince of all saiyans(so as the narrator says) They flew to some remote rocky desert place (it was cool watching them fly though. Goku was out in front because he was leading them to the desert ground and Vegeta was very close behind, smirking all the way. ) When they finally got down to the place Vegeta asks Goku to join him. (That was incredibly crap. I gotta see the Japanese episode of that. The saiyan elite speech...) After a couple of punches Goku admits that Vegeta was better than he expected. (Heheheh!) When they finally get down to business, (I forgot heaps of the battle except) Vegeta decides to blow the planet up, knowing about that he could go to Namek and get the dragonballs. He fires his Gallik Gun while Goku counters it with Kamehameha. And then there was the spirit bomb (Krillin threw it, but it was powered up by Goku) but Vegeta managed to survive that surprising everyone (he's just sooo cool) and then Vegeta made a fake full moon and turned into the Giant Monkey (Theres a special name for it...starting with O...what was it again?) and crushed everyone's bones. But then Yajorobie cut off his tail (you know, someone should kill that fat ass. I cant stand him!) making him turn back into a normal saiyan. Vegeta got so mad at Yajorobie and was about to kill him (even after Yajs pleads like asking him that he would be his friend and all that crap,)when he saw Gohan growing his tail back. He was going to kill Gohan but it was too late. Gohan turned into the Giant Monkey Starting with O and crushed Vegeta. (He still survived!!!) Vegeta knew he couldnt defend himself after and got out his saiyan remote control for his space pod and when it arrived (we see the space pod take off from its landing location shocking all the people around it)he struggled to get to him space pod. But Krillin got Yajorobie's sword and was about to finish off Vegeta when the defenseless, battered Goku told Krillin not to do it. After being convinced, Krillin let Vegeta go. Vegeta laughed evilly and said he would go heal, and when he finished, he would go to planet Namek and use the dragonballs there to wish immortal life so he would be stronger than ever and then come back and blow the planet up. Krillin still let Vegeta go, listening to Goku. Thats exactly what he did, well, half of it anyway. He went to Friezas base and got healed in a healing tank before heading off to Planet Namek. (At this time Bulma, Krillin and Gohan also head off for the Planet Namek.)